A lot of time has passed since the last post. Still, a lot has happened the memory of what stayed on FaceBook. I will post some updates here, and, along with dumpster diving, the blog will focus more on zero waste, minimal ecological footprint and sustainable living. I will write about my personal experiences and ideas, things that happen in Budapest, as well as any cool ideas, events, things happening in the world and related to freegan lifestyle and waste reduction.
Category Archives: Trash
Dumpster Diving in Budapest in the Media
In 2010 journalists from Index.hu decided to make a video about dumpster diving and then cooking the dumpstered vegetables. The dumpster diving took place in the Central Market in Budapest. The journalist and the cameraman were following us while we were fishing for veggies from the market’s dumpsters. The journalist also joined the dumpster diving. After that one person from the group invited the cameraman and the journalist home, where they cooked a nice meal from the dumpstered food.
HERE you can find the article about this in Hungarian.
And HERE you can find the video
Ecology Action
Meet Ecology Action: a zero waste initiative in Cenral Texas. They have a list of recycling places in U.S. on their website.
Love and Trash Blog
“Love and Trash is a DIY blog for people who do things differently.”
Check a friendly blog out >>HERE.
I Love Trash Film
I Love Trash is a documentary about dumpster diving. Two friends decide to do an experiment in trash. They rent an unfurnished apartment and arrive with only the clothes they are wearing and a flashlight. They decide not to buy any things for 3 months and instead to find all their needs in the trash. They furnish their apartment lavishly. They eat decadently. They dress sharp, and create beautiful art, all from the trash.
You can watch it >>HERE
I Love Trieste
Welcome to dumpster diver’s paradise! Trieste, an Italian city on the border with Slovenia has a lot of treasure for the dumpster divers. Trash bins are full of food and stuff. Several hours walk may result in kilos of free stuff in your hands. The way we managed to carry all the stuff we dumpstered back to Budapest is still a mystery. It was like 2 persons + 10 bags + 5 cars = Budapest.
Elite bums decided to travel in Croatia to enjoy the sea, the sun and good food. Of course, our attention could not fail to be attracted to some trash. Generally, Croatia is not really dumpster diver’s friendly country, but it is still possible to find some food and interesting stuff in the trash there.
Sziget Festival
Some people go to Sziget festival to enjoy the music and have fun, some (who usually have no money to be wasted for this commercial mainstream fest) go there for a different reason. So, following the rumors that it is possible to dumpster a lot of interesting stuff at the camp site after the end of Sziget, I went to check if this statement is true or not.
Thursday Evening Walk
After talking about food waste and hunger, I decided to put into practice one of the topics I covered during the presentation, namely dumpster diving in Budapest. As usual, Thursday is a dumpster diving day.
Recently I noticed that a lot more people compared to the previous year go in the streets and dumpster dive. It would be interesting to observe what they search for, as depending on their needs they are searching either for food, or stuff to sell or metal beer cans (to exchange them for money), or to find something interesting (this is what I am doing).