Some people go to Sziget festival to enjoy the music and have fun, some (who usually have no money to be wasted for this commercial mainstream fest) go there for a different reason. So, following the rumors that it is possible to dumpster a lot of interesting stuff at the camp site after the end of Sziget, I went to check if this statement is true or not.
Sziget Festival
Thursday Evening Walk
After talking about food waste and hunger, I decided to put into practice one of the topics I covered during the presentation, namely dumpster diving in Budapest. As usual, Thursday is a dumpster diving day.
Recently I noticed that a lot more people compared to the previous year go in the streets and dumpster dive. It would be interesting to observe what they search for, as depending on their needs they are searching either for food, or stuff to sell or metal beer cans (to exchange them for money), or to find something interesting (this is what I am doing).
Wednesday Magazines
Today by pure chance I found some magazines on the top of the huge blue container for papers at the bottom of Gazdagret.
A talk about food waste
We’ll be showing short documentaries, presentation and a discussion about global food waste and hunger, as well as what can be done with it on personal level (dumpster diving). We will also discuss further actions on the scale of Budapest.
The event will take place at 7 p.m. on March 29 at Klub Bela (Budapest, Bacsó Béla St. 10).
Reclaim the Fields 2012, Turin
There will be a meeting of Reclaim the Fields in Turin from February 24 until March 4, 2012.
Food and Contemporary Human Beings
Humans have become completely disconnected from the food that they eat. People don’t cook anymore because it takes too much time. We eat less and less basic food that comes from raw ingredients, and more processed, packaged food that comes from artificial supermarket environments. Hardly anyone grows their own food anymore, or raises their own livestock. Eating is no longer about connecting with our natural world – it is about shovelling fuel into our bodies in as little time as possible. And most people these days work in jobs that are completely removed from food production altogether.
To read more GO HERE.
Norway… Dumpstering? No Way!!! 🙂
Yes, it is possible. The truth is that almost nobody does this here. Maybe in Oslo people do it, I have no clue about it. But most of the country lives on social benefits, immigrants dive into trash for the bottles (1 bottle is ca. 20 Eurocent). ‘Poor’ means here that a single mother with three kids cannot buy them branded clothes or the bicycles of the latest model. And still they get social help that should be enough for several dozens families in, say, Zimbabwe.
Supermarkets here also close their trash. The city trash is quite often under a lock. But, of course, ther eare supermarkets that do not bother closing their trash bins. Who would even think of dumpster diving here anyway? Well, me!