Tonight we were walking with a friend in the city centre, and as we were crossing Astoria we saw a man putting two packages of pizza on the small trash bins in the underground crossing. In each package you could find 7 huge pieces of vegetarian pizza. We took one package and went to Blaha square to give the pizza to the homeless. We found exact number of homeless that corresponded to the number of pizza pieces left – 6 (OK, I was hungry and ate 1 piece on the way to Blaha).
Author Archives: Freegan
Free Pizza
Long Night of Sunday Dumpster Diving in Budapest
Usually, Thursdays and Sundays are the days when you can find trash bins put out in the street all around Budapest. Therefore, we decided to go for a dumpster diving tour in presumably reach areas of Pest – the Jewish district and a couple of touristic streets next to the Danube.
This Sunday was not as successful as the previous one, but we still managed to find 3 big bags of stuff. First, we were walking in Kiraly St. where the most of what we have found were some pieces of bread, loads of pens and some toys. Then, as we moved closer to the Danube, we found some non-edible stuff, like an umbrella (it was in a good shape and exactly perfect for the moment, as it was raining slightly), 6 mint plants, flower pots, a pot for cooking, some decorative chocolate and a couple of books. When we came back to the Jewish district, we passed the grosser y shop in Dohany St. (we were there last week at 6a.m.). Today, the trash bins of the shop were not really full, so we found just some cabbage and grapes. Maybe it was too early, as it was just 4-30. But we found an old chocolate cake and expired packed cheese and sausages supposedly from a freezer.
It was not much, as I was not sleep yet, so I decided to make a short morning tour on bike before the trash collecting cars would take away the possible treasure. First, I went to Match supermarket in the big avenue, and the trash bins were outside, and the stuff I found there was not really edible, as one trash bin and the half of another one were just full of very old stone-like brad. Luckily, the other half of the second trash-bin contained some packaged toast bread, paprika, and loads of carrots. So, I took them. Then I decided to check a couple of Spar supermarkets close to Petöfi bridge, but there was no trash outside, maybe it was too late for it. After this I found some trash bins next to CBA supermarket, but unfortunately, the stuff was outside, and they just took the trash inside the supermarket right before my nose. Then I went to the hotel where there is usually some interesting trash. On my way I stopped in Almassy sq. to pick up 5 sports bags, tennis balls and a rocket, as well as some jackets and bread sticking out of the trash bins. I managed to get the stuff out right before the trash car came.
As it was quite late morning already, I decided to finish with dumpster diving, but at the same time there was some buzz sitting in me telling me to go to the big food market in Fővam sq. My intuition and also rational thinking based on good memories about dumpster diving in Barcelona on Monday morning worked out well. Just in 3 trash bins I found such big amount of food, I did not even imagine how I would carry. Fortunately, I have found a nice big box where I put everything what I have found and managed to bring it to the BASE. So, in the morning I fished out several kilos of banana, 5 kohlrabis, 8 eggplants, some broccoli, zucchini and a huge half-kilo red apple. Nice! I was also very glad that there were other dumpster divers at the market, they seem to know the right time! 🙂 These were mostly older people who seem to live just on their pension.
Sunday Night Fever
On Sundays people in Budapest put out their trash bins in front of their houses. On such a night one can find kilos of treasure!!!
First Day of Winter Dumpster Diving
After the action at Blaha square during the evening of the 1st of December we went to check another place near Bakats square. We did not find anyone there, but a small group of people discussing something. But we have discovererd trash of Spar in Raday u. and we also dumpstered some pop-corn from Corvinus cinema, yoo-hoo!
Spar trash:
Now the food storage in the BASE looks like this:
Solidarity Night with Homeless
On 1 December 2011 an amendment to Criminal law that prohibits sleeping in the streets of Hungary came into force. According to the amendment, if a person is found sleeping in a street, s/he must either pay 150.000 HUF or get 60 days of prison.
A group of activists decided to hold a solidarity night with homeless – a number of demos and actions in Budapest and in other cities on the evening and night of the 1st of December 2011. Around 10 places were occupied in Budapest on that night.
I thought that it would be a great idea to make a FreeShop and also cook for this occasion. As usual, the FreeShop was full of clothes, so the only thing to be done was to bring it to the streets. As for cooking, we needed to get some vegetables to be able to cook, so I went dumpster diving to the markets on Wednesday. First, by pure chance I have looked into the trash bin of Spar supermarket in Móricz Zsigmond körtér. There I found some broccoli, lettuce and white reddish. Then I went to Fővám téri Vásárcsarnok – the central touristic market. Unfortunately, there was almost nothing to dumpster, as it was too late (around 5 p.m., 1 hour before closing time). So, I decided to go to Fehervari market hoping to find more stuff there. As I was checking dumpsters in this market (it closes at 6), the security asked me not to do so. As my bag was quite empty, and we needed to cook for the next day, I went down to the ‘secret’ room with trash from the whole market. There was almost nobody, and a couple of workers that appeared there later, while I was diving into the huge trash bin fishing out beetroots and zucchini, were friendly and let me do the dumpster diving.
So, at the end, there were several boxes full of fruit and vegetables both from Monday, November 28, and Wednesday, November 30. The evening of Wednesday and morning of Thursday were dedicated to cooking. As a result, we had 2 bowls of salad and 2 pots of soup. Yum!
All the stuff – the FreeShop and the food were brought to Blaha Lujza square and became an integral part of the whole happening there.
Trashy Advent!
My artist friends have a creative approach to trash. As there is a tradition in Catholic and Protestant societies of having an Advent calendar for whole December, my friends decided to make on from trash. You can see the result >>HERE.
Discovering New Horizons
Where can one go dumpster diving on Monday around 5p.m.? Right, try going to a market. Right before closing time. First, we were thinking of going to the central big market, but then we thought that it was too late, so, we just went to Rakoci market which is closer to the BASE. There is no trash at the market itself, so we had to go to the ‘secret’ place that is sometimes open and where you can find some trash. There was almost no edible trash there, but still in one of the huge trash bins we discovered loads of reddish with rotten leaves. So, I had to literally dive into it as the reddish was at the very bottom of the bin. This was not enough, so we decided to check another market nearby – the Hunyadi square market.
On the way there we have discovered a very interesting source of trash – a trash bin of a hotel standing at the parking space. There we dumpstered quite a lot of hotel soap, shampoo, slippers, eye cover for sleeping, as well as some food. My favourite object was a ginger bread heart from Oktoberfest in Munich.As we got to Hunyadi market, the first thing we did was going to the ‘secret’ place with the trash from the market, and there we discovered some fruit and tomatoes. The worker came in after 1 minute, but he was patient enough to wait for us to finish dumpster diving. So, at the end, we have got two big packages of stuff!
Go Freegan!
„There are nearly one billion malnourished people in the world, but the approximately 40 million tonnes of food wasted by US households, retailers and food services each year would be enough to satisfy the hunger of every one of them.“ Tristram Stuart, „WASTE“.
This is a blog about dumpster diving and freegan way of life.
Dumpster (trash bin or container) diving (like diving in the water) means searching things and food in trash.
Freegan = FREE + vegAN. Free means that a person is free from the capitalism and consumption, vegan means that a person does not consume animal products. Not all freegans are vegan though, but the idea is that anything that is thrown away is already purchased by someone who does not care about vegan philosophy and principles, so the dumsptered animal products can be consumed as they have already gone through the consumption cycle. Freegans tend to leave minimal ecological footprint by recycling commodities that have been thrown away by others. They have an alternative lifestyle based on independence from profit-driven economy and consumerism. Major freegan principles include sharing, solidarity, care about the environment, and FREEDOM.
I will post mostly my everyday freegan experiences ranging from dumpster diving in various cities to the practices of FreeShops (social aspect) and saving energy and resources (environmental aspect).
More facts about waste:
Freegan philosophy: